Sustainable fashion tips & principles

Let’s talk about some fundamental tips and principles of slow fashion lifestyle that this Style Guide is based on.

1. Be aware

A conscious fashion consumer is someone who is aware of the true cost of fashion and its environmental impact. You don’t have to be a devoted climate change activist like Gretta Thunberg to reach the basic level of awareness. In Lesson 2, we’ll talk more about it. In Lesson 1, we’ll talk more about it.

2. Be selective

Once you learn more about fast and slow fashion, you will start being more selective with the clothing you buy. The idea of a capsule wardrobe is based on the selectivity principle. In this guide we will show you how to select your very best 40-50 items that will be “working horses” of your new wardrobe. They will include your seasonal Basic wardrobe and your Accent wardrobe. We will discuss most important four questions when selecting clothing:

Will I wear this at least 30 times?

Can create at least 3 distinct looks with it?

Is the material eco-friendly?

Is its production fair trade?

3. Recycle, Donate, Resell

Learn how to manage your extra clothing properly. Recycle, donate, and resell your old clothing whenever you can. Textile recycling and donating are still somewhat problematic topics in sustainable fashion. We recommend either giving away your items to people you know or reselling gently used clothing online or offline.

Sparkpick tips for sustainable fashion lifestyle - reuse, reduce, recycle and resell

4. Reduce

Reduce your fashion consumption by shopping less. There’s a real cost to everything we consume, and this cost is measured with human lives and the amount of greenhouse gases we emit. We have more chances to combat climate change if we shop less. Do we really need to have it all? Does it make us happy?

5. Shop Quality

Shop less but better quality, more durable, and timeless. Buying quality fashion items is the key because quality means investment. Good quality clothing is made to last.

6. Support green and ethical brands

Buy from brands that care about you, their workers, and the planet. Brands that respect transparency, fair trade, safety, human rights, have circular economy, recycle and upcycle, are cruel-free, and use environmentally-friendly materials. Brands that don’t practice greenwashing. Learn what criteria we use when picking clothing for our lookbooks.

7. Focus on style not fashion

The difference between fashion and style is that fashion is bounded with trends, while style is about dressing with authenticity. Spend some time discovering your unique fashion style. Only buy items that can create 3 distinct styles, and you’ll never go wrong.

Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Yves Saint Laurent

Be patient with yourself and be patient with the fashion industry. Positive changes are coming, and you are a vital part of it!

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